The Health Benefits From Cucumber

 The Health Benefits From Cucumber

Although many assume cucumber is a vegetable, it belongs to the fruit category.

In fact, it is one of the fruits considered to have high beneficial nutrients, plant compounds and antioxidants that are said to be effective medicinal and preventive in certain health conditions.

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Moreover, cucumber is low in calories and rich in soluble fiber and water, hence this fruit is known as an effective food for maintaining proper hydration in the body and helps in weight loss.

But that's not all the benefits of cucumber, it also does many things that help the health and general condition of your body.

 Here are some of the cucumber nutrition facts you need to know.


Cucumber contains 90% to 95% water, including a type of electrolytes that maintain the proper level of hydration of our body. Often experience dehydration due to lack of water during hot weather or after exercise.

For people who don’t drink water often, adding cucumber and mint leaves will help make it more pleasant to the taste. Drinking a cucumber shake can also help to stay hydrated.

Being hydrated is important to keep your intenstine functioning normally. In addition, drinking water or infused water can also help prevent constipation, kidney stones and many others.

Cucumber is one of the effective foods that can help keep you always hydrated.

Bone Strengthening

Another of the health benefits available to cucumber is its ability to help the development of bones in your body. Cucumber is one of the vegetables rich in Vitamins C and K.

Vitamin K is an important component to maintain proper blood viscosity (coagulation). This helps to regulate the absorption of calcium in the body.

Vitamin C is an important ingredient in the creation of collagen. This is important in building your bone matrix and promoting good hair and nail growth.

Vitamin K helps improve calcium absorption. Together, these nutrients can contribute to good bone health.

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Along with vitamins C and K, cucumber is also rich in Vitamin D which is also important for overall bone health. So it is important to get an adequate supply of them.

Cancer Prevention

Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family of plants that are said to possess high levels of bitter-tasting nutrients also called cucurbitacin.

According to an article published by the Internation Journal of Health Services, cucurbitacins have the ability to fight the development of cancer because it prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.

A 133 grams cup of leftover cucumber contains 1 gram of fiber. Fiber helps protect the body against colorectal cancer.


An antioxidant is a compound that pro-protects your body against free radicals that can cause heart disease, cancer, and other deadly diseases.

In addition, oxidative stress caused by free radicals has been linked to the development of lung and autoimmune diseases.

Fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber and zucchini, are said to be one of the sources of beneficial oxidants. These help to reduce the possible occurrence of such conditions.

A study was conducted to see the importance of eating cucumber in people aged 30 and above. All participants in the said study were given cucumber powder. After the research lasted 30 days, it was found that cucumber powder helped increase the antioxidant level in the body of those who underwent the said study.

In another research done to evaluate the antioxidant properties of cucumber, it was discovered in said test-tube study that the fruit contains flavonoids and tannins. These two compounds are said to be just some of the effective antioxidant elements that block free radicals.

Contra Diabetes

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Cucumber is said to have the ability to control and prevent the development of diabetes. It contains a mineral or substance that is believed to help keep a person's blood sugar at the right level.

It is a belief that cucurbitacins, nutrients found in cucumber, help regulate the body’s metabolism and its insulin release.

One study even discovered that cucumber skin became an effective medicine to control some of its symptoms.

Fiber also, found in cucumber, helps prevention and control

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